2015年 08月 29日
Data Manipulation/bad record keeping
a) You have a colleague who doesn’t keep good lab records.
--Do you keep mum and do nothing?
--Do you lead by example and show them your books and hope they improve?
--Do you tell them once? More times? How long before you tell the PI.
--Do you tell the PI at all or is it not your job- if the PI finds out on her own that’s ok but you don’t need to tell them?
--What if it’s a colleague with whom you collaborate and whose record keeping or lack thereof affects your project.
b) At lab meeting you see data that you know can’t be real- there was no time to produce it since you last saw that particular project being presented, or the machine that was necessary to produce that data had been shutdown for the past 2 months when the data was supposed to be produced. What do you do. Keep quiet? Discuss with someone (whom). Anything else?
---what if the person is a senior colleague or the PI themselves.
c) What if you see inconsistencies in a grant that the PI or a post doc wrote that has got funded before you joined the lab, and now you notice that some data in the grant isn’t quite right or worse- taken from a paper you came across.
What do you do. Keep quiet? Discuss with someone (whom). Anything else?